Cycle handicraft at the heart of the 1st all bikes show in Épinal.
At the show you’ll be able to discover a selection of unique creations, designed with talent and passion by craftspeople and members of the AAC
(Association des Artisans du Cycle).
Two-Wheeled Crafts
Heirs to more than two centuries of French know-how, cycle craftspeople produce frames, bicycles and accessories by hand, individually or in small series, with a level of customization that often exceeds the imagination.

From tube selection to notching and welding, every stage of the manufacturing process is carried out with meticulous precision. The craftspeople are committed to creating with their hands products that combine aesthetics and performance, creating bicycles that will become, often for life, durable equipment that looks just like you.
Environmental Respect
The Enjoy Vélos Épinal team is concerned about its impact on the planet.
Just like the craftspeople who select sustainable materials and favor local, environmentally-friendly production methods. By calling on their expertise and choosing their creations, you’re making a real social and environmental difference.

Unique Customization
Every cyclist is unique, and our craftspeople understand the importance of personal expression through your bike. Discover the customization options, where you can work with the craftspeople to create a bike that truly reflects your style and personality.
Meeting with Craftspeople
Come and chat with the passionate designers, ask them questions about their creative process and discover the story behind each piece on display.
The Épinal Enjoy Vélos show is an opportunity to forge links with the craftsperson who bring your cycling dreams to life.

Each visitor is not only a spectator, but also an active participant in the creation of a community where the love of cycling and craftspeople ship meet.
Join us on this journey to the heart of cycling handicrafts or craftspeople ship !